Created by Dr. Barbara Hensley, the Francine Shapiro Library is dedicated to Francine Shapiro, originator and developer of the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). The purpose of this Library is to provide information for clinicians, researchers, and lay people on the effectiveness and efficaciousness of EMDR for a wide range of mental health issues. The Francine Shapiro Library (FSL) is the compendium of scholarly articles and other important writings related to the AIP and EMDR. The intent of the FSL is to maintain an accurate and up-to-date list of citations related to AIP and EMDR.
EMDR is a phased, scientifically validated, and integrative psychotherapy approach based on the theory that much of psychopathology is due to traumatic experience or disturbing life events. These result in the impairment of the client's innate ability to process and to integrate the experience or experiences within the central nervous system.
What is EMDR?
The core of EMDR treatment involves activating components of the traumatic memory or disturbing life event and pairing those components with alternating bilateral or dual attention stimulation. This process appears to facilitate the resumption of normal information processing and integration. This treatment approach can result in the alleviation of presenting symptoms, diminution of distress from the memory, improved view of the self, relief from bodily disturbance, and resolution of present and future anticipated triggers.
Read description of EMDR for clients
Read EMDRIA'S Clinical Definition of EMDR
Research Studies
A wide variety of research studies have been implemented using various treatment aspects and protocols as their focus since EMDR's initial development.
Many of these studies support EMDR as an empirically validated treatment of trauma. Several types of research models are utilized:
International treatment guidelines, meta-analyses, randomized clinical trials, nonrandomized studies
Resources for Researchers
EMDR Research Resource Directory
Listserv for EMDR Researchers
How to Develop and Research a New Treatment Protocol for EMDR
Information About EMDR Research
Obtaining an EMDR Fidelity Scale
Selected Instruments for Psychotherapy Outcome Measurement
Informed Consent
Obtaining Help with an EMDR Research Project or Dissertation
The bihemispheric structure of the brain imposes on clinicians the challenge of therapeutically relating and strategically embracing the full biology…
Background: A substantial body of research shows that adverse life experiences contribute to both psychological and biomedical pathology. Eye movement…
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The United States is in the midst of an unprecedented mental health crisis. A common factor across the multiple mental health stressors being reported…
This presentation will outline how compassion-focused EMDR group intervention is used in the treatment of PTSD and Moral Injury. It will highlight the…