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  • Tags: Elderly

Single traumatic events can lead to severe posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with serious effects on some and psyche as well as on social functioning. Often our focus in diagnostics is limited on obvious traumatic experiences according to the…

Mevrouw Akersloot is een vrouw van in de zeventig. Zij werd verwezen door haar neuroloog, in verband met slaapproblemen en irrationele angsten. De klachten hielden verband met traumatische gebeurtenissen. In 2004 was zij opgenomen op de afdeling…

Os idosos com dor crônica têm vivências dolorosas distintas, acompanhada na sua maioria de depressão e um alto nível de ansiedade. Os resultados seriam a redução dos sintomas através do reprocessamento, a diminuição da dor crônica ou seu…

Ouderen en allochtonen met PTSS zijn groepen patiënten die kunnen profiteren van behandeling met EMDR. Bied je echter, conform de multidisciplinaire richtlijn angststoornissen EMDR aan, dan stuit je op een aantal problemen. Voorbeelden daarvan zijn:…

This case study looks at the application of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy in an 83-year-old White woman with preexisting diagnoses of Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's disease dementia. She presented to the community…

This paper explains how the current Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) service for older people in Coventry meets our overall service aims and presents a summary of the qualitative feedback provided by our clients who have benefited…


As a psychological psychotherapist working in my own practice I started a pilot project in a Senior Centre in cologne. I noticed in my practice that a certain group of clients , means over 70 years, do not come very often into psychotherapy. Actual…

In Deutschland psychotherapeutische Versorgung für ältere Menschen ist offensichtlich unzureichend, in der Tat hat sich die Situation Notfallstatus . Praktische Erfahrung sagt uns, dass spezifische Trauma-Therapie für diese Altersgruppe ist zwingend…

Le vieillissement, processus normal de tout organisme vivant, entraîne des modifications globales de la personnalité qui prennent appui sur des changements biologiques, psychologiques et sociaux. Ces changements se manifestent de manière très…


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