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EMDR is a well established therapy for the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is believed that PTSD can be reduced or prevented if treated early. Although usually used at a later time, EMDR has also been used effectively in the…

The Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) was initially developed to help victims within hours of a terrorist attack, but can be applied in the immediate aftermath of any trauma. Patients may present with "silent terror," shaking and inability to speak,…

EMDR is a well-established therapy for the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD can be reduced or prevented if treated during the first month after a trauma when a person displays Acute Stress Disorder (ASD). Although usually used…

The Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) was initially developed to help victims within hours of a terrorist attack, but can be applied in the minutes and hours following any trauma. Often, at that time, the patient has difficulty in orienting to the…

PTSD can be reduced or prevented if treated during the first month after a trauma when a person displays Acute Stress Disorder (ASD). Although usually used later, EMDR has also been used effectively in the immediate period following trauma. Victims…

PTSD can be reduced or prevented if treated during the first month after a trauma when a person displays Acute Stress Disorder (ASD). Although usually used later, EMDR has also been used effectively in the immediate period following trauma. Victims…

The Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) was initially developed to help victims within hours of a terrorist attack, but can be applied in the minutes and hours following any trauma. Often, at that time, the patient has dificulty in orienting to the…

Victims of immediate trauma in Acute Stress Reaction often exhibit a high to extreme stress reaction and “silent terror”. The Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) described in Marilyn Luber’s: Implementing EMDR Early Mental Health Interventions for…

The first Global Summit in EMDR Early Intervention was held in Natick, Massachusetts, outside of Boston from April 19-24, 2018. It was jointly organized by Mark Nickerson, LICSW Past President of the board of EMDRIA and Rolf Carriere, a developmental…
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