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  • Tags: Emotional Reprocessing

This chapter focuses on the process of eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing and its uses in the course of psychotherapy for children who have experienced medical trauma and other forms of traumatic events, either episodically or chronically.…

The aim of this study is to investigate in a controlled manner the effect of eye movements on emotional processing and physiological arousal in 22 PTSD patients. Changes in emotional processing and physiological arousal were measured before during…

许多运动员在他们的职业生涯中都经历过在特定情境中承受反复的身心障碍(如恐惧对手,所谓的"不堪一击",双腿灌铅)。Many athletics have the experiences of suffering from repeating somatopsychic disorder in a given situation in their career life, such as fear of opponents, i.e. “cannot withstand a single…
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