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Tussen één en drie procent van de vrouwen in westerse landen ervaart na de baring ernstige psychische klachten als gevolg van hun bevallingservaring, waarmee zij voldoen aan de criteria voor een posttraumatische stressstoornis. Dit artikel beschrijft…


IntroductionPregnant women with fear of childbirth display an elevated risk of a negative delivery experience, birth-related post-traumatic stress disorder, and adverse perinatal outcomes such as preterm birth, low birthweight, and postpartum…

En gynécologie, les femmes sont exposées à de nombreuses difficultés, notamment celles liées à l’exercice du contrôle gynécologique. La nudité ainsi que le contact avec les parties intimes constituent un réel problème pour beaucoup de femmes. Dans…

L’obstétrique est le domaine médical le plus gratifiant et le plus positif, si tout se passe comme prévu. Pour bon nombre de femmes ou de couples, le désir d’enfant se réalise dans un laps de temps adapté et au mieux, c’est-à-dire sans difficultés…


BackgroundUp to 43% of women perceive giving birth as traumatic which may result in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or related symptoms. Negative and traumatic childbirth experiences can also lead to fear of childbirth,…

Objective: Despite advances in obstetric and neonatal care, many women will experience the birth of stillborn infant or the death of a newborn. Stillbirth is a devastating experience for women, sometimes leads to depression, anxiety, traumatic grief…

Objective: Despite advances in obstetric and neonatal care, many women will experience the birth of stillborn infant or the death of a newborn. Stillbirth is a devastating experience for women, sometimes leads to depression, anxiety, traumatic grief…

Background: Approximately 3% of women develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after giving birth, and 7.5% of pregnant women show a pathological fear of childbirth (FoC). FoC or childbirth-related PTSD during (a subsequent) pregnancy can lead to…

The author of this presentation works as psychologist and psychotherapist in a clinic in Fribourg/Switzerland in the department of gynecology and obstetrics. Various applications of EMDR are used, both in gynecologic and obstetrical outcomes. A…
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