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“Patients need help with ‘now’ but don’t usually come in knowing what’s bothering them is a past trauma,” said counseling trainer Bonnie Mikelson. [Excerpt]

"Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing“ (EMDR) ist die Bezeichnung für eine psychotherapeutische Methode, die von der amerikanischen Psychologin Francine Shapiro entwickelt wurde (Shapiro 1998). Das Grundprinzip von EMDR besteht darin, dass…

EMDR steht für »Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing« und heißt übersetzt »Desensibilisierung und Neuverarbeitung mit Augenbewegungen« — obwohl sich für manche Patienten die Bedeutung »einmal musst du ran« oder »erst muss der Dreck raus«…

La couverture porte en plus : "L'histoire, la méthode et les techniques pour se libérer de ses traumatismes et dépasser ses blocages."The cover additionally carries:  "History, method and techniques to free itself from its traumas and exceed its…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an integrative psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes the role of the brain’s information processing system. Mental health problems, excluding those caused by lack of information,…

EMDR á uma abordagem poderosa que já trouxe cura emocional a milhões de pessoas que sofrem com traumas ao redor do mundo. Os protocolos e procedimentos estão claramente desenvolvidos e delineados, mas a essência do EMDR permanece ainda por ser…

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), often resulting in dramatic symptom relief in clients, has become an increasingly popular treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a variety of other diagnoses and symptoms. EMDR…

The present article is a response to R. May's commentary (see record 2005-03961-005) on our original article: "A Look at EMDR: Technique, Research and Use with College Students" (see record 2003-10645-005). May points out the controversial nature of…

For over a decade, eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) has been gaining attention and momentum as an effective therapeutic tool for treating a range of trauma and phobic disorders. More and more therapists are seeking proper training…

Recent research (Moberg, 2003, The Oxytocin Factor) indicates the potential of early pre-verbal trauma to set up biochemical and neurological responses which activate certain triggers. Since the touchstone event is pre-verbal, it is difficult to…

This article provides an overview of selective issues relating to adult posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its treatment with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The article begins by providing a historical overview of PTSD,…

Cet ouvrage présente une synthèse complète des connaissances actuelles sur la thérapie EMDR considérée sous tous ses aspects théoriques, pratiques et cliniques.This book presents a comprehensive synthesis of current knowledge about EMDR therapy…

EMDR is a treatment developed by Francine Shapiro (2001) to reprocess traumatic experiences that are “locked” in the nervous system and give rise to current symptomatology. It involves an eight stage protocol in which clients select a target memory…

“Just wanted to share something with you all. It is more than rewarding to see the wonderful things people do for each other here. I wrote this short story the other day, as a way to honor these young people who have sacrifi ced all. These are your…

This book is intended to be a primer for use as a companion to Dr Francine Shapiro's textbook. It serves as a comprehensive review of the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model and EMDR principles, protocols and procedures for the newly trained…

The book provides concise coverage of the AIP model and EMDR principles, protocols, and procedures and addresses the types of targets accessed during the EMDR process. The book summarizes the Eight Phases of EMDR Therapy and the Stepping Stones of…

Toward the end of a powerful session, my client closed her eyes and laid her hands lightly on her lap. Immediately, they began a fluttering, spontaneous movement: left hand, right hand. While this was occurring, my client was mostly silent and was…

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR therapy is a psychological treatment used for posttraumatic stress and related disorders caused by overwhelming like experience, whether single or chronic, recent or repeated…

This article continues "More thoughts on EMDR training" by J. Kleinman

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, afgekort tot EMDR, is een therapie voor mensen die last blijven houden van de gevolgen van een schokkende ervaring, zoals een verkeersongeval of een geweldsmisdrijf. Het is een relatief nieuwe therapie.…

Even with her emphasis on fidelity to the protocols of EMDR, Shapiro acknowledges the importance of the therapeutic alliance. She described the execution of EMDR as an essential interaction between client, method, and clinician. This workshop…

The following two cases are excerpted from Babette Rothschild’s newly published book 'The Body Remembers Casebook: Unifying Methods and Models in the Treatment of Trauma and PTSD' (W.W. Norton 2003). The first case advocates creative adaptation of…


This article introduced to an eight-phase information-processing model of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for helping clients identify and reprocess significant childhood experiences and chronic patterns. (PsycEXTRA Database…

Twenty years ago, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) began as a clinical technique used to help clients reprocess major traumatic experiences. Since then, EMDR has developed into a comprehensive psychotherapy approach which is also…

In recent years, several theoretical models have been suggested as complementary to the adaptative information processing model of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy. A narrative review of such models was conducted to assess the…

Wanneer Eddie aangemeld wordt voor behandeling bij mij, heeft hij al een lang hulpverleningsverleden achter de rug. Riagg, Algemeen Maatschappelijk Werk, deeltijdbehandeling, klinische opname. Zo ongeveer alle persoonlijkheidsstoornissen worden in…

Ongeveer twintig jaar geleden, werd EMDR (Eye Movement Desensibilisatie and Reprocessing) ontwikkeld als een vorm van Post Traumatische Stress Stoornissen (PTSS). Na aanvankelijke scepsis is opgenomen in EMDR (inter) nationale richtlijnen voor de…

While EMDR has become known as a highly effective psychotherapy approach for neutralizing traumatic memories, it's evolded into a comprehensive and powerful therapy that goes well beyond helping clients reprocess negative experiences to transforming…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an eight-phase psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes the physiological information processing system in the origin and treatment of mental health issues (Shapiro, 2001, 2014a). Its…

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a controversial technique reported to relieve traumatic memories, phobias, and a wide variety of psychological problems. This paper explains the EMDR procedure, and discusses research that supports and…

Muchas personas han logrado transformar sus vidas gracias al EMDR, la famosa terapia de Desensibilización y Retroprocesamiento a través de los Movimientos Oculares desarrollada por Francine Shapiro. El EMDR ha significado una verdadera revolución en…

Le autrici ,una psichiatra e una psicologa riflettono sulla loro esperienza con EMDR. Prendono lo spunto da due casi di abuso sessuale in famiglia vissute da bambine da due loro pazienti, anche se il motivo iniziale della richiesta di aiuto era stato…

Verwerking van herinneringen aan identificeerbare traumatische ervaringen. Hierdoor kunnen klachten, die zijn ontstaan als gevolg van die herinneringen en het lijden dat daarmee gepaard gaat, worden verminderd. Processing of memories of traumatic…

Enkele jaren geleden deed de EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) haar intrede in de behandeling van psychotrauma’s. Deze methode was hoewel niet geheel begrepen qua mechanisme ontegenzeggelijk spectaculair qua resultaat door de…

Er zijn verschillende theorieën om de gunstige effecten van EMDR te verklaren. De laatste jaren wijst onderzoek op dit terrein steeds meer in de richting van de zogenaamde werkgeheugenhypothese. Niet in de laatste plaats vanwege het onderzoek van…

La thérapie EMDR est une nouvelle méthode de psychothérapie qui utilise la stimulation sensorielle des deux cotés du corps, soit par le mouvement des yeux soit par des stimuli auditifs ou cutanés, pour induire une résolution rapide des symptômes liés…
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