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An exclusive interview with Francine Shapiro, the originator of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing, on why it's a protypically integrative approach

This interview originally appeared in the Fall/Winter, 2000 Edition of Trauma Response.

While strolling through a park one day, Francine Shapiro notices that certain of her troubling thoughts suddenly lost their distressing qualities. Curious about what had happened; Shapiro regenerated the mental images and again found them no longer…

Those who have attended Francine Shapiro’s Plenary Addresses in recent EMDRIA Conferences are aware of her wish that EMDR clinicians accurately reproduce the EMDR procedure and understand her Adaptive Information Processing model. This concern was…

This is a difficult article to write because I truly cannot figure out what is going to happen next. The holidays for us are over tomorrow and that means going back to a regular work schedule. During these holidays people usually do funthings with…

Less than 20 years after Dr Francine Shapiro discovered Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), its effectiveness as a psychological treatment is well established.

When Prometheus gave fire to the mortals, an angry Zeus chained him to Mount Causaus, where each day an eagle devoured his liver, and each night the liver grew back. Imagine for a moment that you must endure a variation of that Promethean hell.…

With EMDR, help is in the eye of the beholder Christine Baird (not her real name) never had reason to distrust her husband of 22 years. So when he confessed to an affair, Baird plunged into four months of sleeplessness, anxiety and despair. "I…

Starting with the Foreword by Daniel Siegel, MD, the Handbook demonstrates in superb detail how you can combine EMDR’s information processing approach with family systems perspectives and therapy techniques. An impressive and needed piece of work,…

Kurzbeschreibung Weiterentwicklung der erfolgreichen EMDR-Methode Mit EMDR steht nicht nur eine wirksame Vorgehensweise bei der Traumaverarbeitung zur Verfügung. Der Band zeigt, wie auch traumabedingte Ängste, Schmerzen, Depressionen, Suchtverhalten…

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) wurde 1989 von Francine Shapiro als eine neue Methode zur Behandlung traumatisierter Menschen vorgestellt. Die »Augenbewegungs-Desensibilisierungstherapie« gilt als spektakuläres Verfahren, weil…

Voici une découverte thérapeutique qui bouleverse notre compréhension du fonctionnement psychique. Conçu en 1987 aux USA par Francine Shapiro pour guérir les traumatismes psychiques, l'EMDR permet de soigner aussi bien d'autres problématiques…

Bestselling author Scarf (Intimate Partners; Unfinished Business) explores new therapies that claim to be able to "reprocess" or "detoxify" traumatic memories through physical manipulation of the nervous system. Via accessibly presented neuroscience,…

An introductory DVD on EMDR segments by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., and David Grand, Ph.D.

The comprehensive treatment protocols and treatment outcomes of EMDR have been well researched and documented. The calming effects of bilateral stimulation (BLS) and its impact on having images fade have also been documented. Consequently, there are…

The following paper deals with the problem of constructing the psychotherapeutic meaning of the basic procedure of EMDR, one of the well-known and effective therapeutic techniques for PTSD. The author generates a conceptual matrix interpreting EMDR…

Can eye movement reduce trauma? eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) has shown that people retrieving traumatic events while making 10–20 lateral eye movements, experienced less trauma than did those who simply reported the traumatic…

While appreciating that The Psychologist is not a standard academic journal, I was nevertheless somewhat surprised and not a little disappointed to see space being given to an uncritical ‘sales pitch’ for EMDR in the March issue. While Shapiro…

I was disappointed that in discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Laura Spinney dismissed eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) as if it was just slightly better than snake oil (3 February, p 40). There is an impressive body…

“Just wanted to share something with you all. It is more than rewarding to see the wonderful things people do for each other here. I wrote this short story the other day, as a way to honor these young people who have sacrifi ced all. These are your…

Insightful interviews with a Who’s Who of the world’s foremost therapists.  Therapy’s Best is a lively and entertaining collection of one-on-one interviews with some of the top therapists and counselors in the world. Educator and psychotherapist Dr.…

How does EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) compare to other therapies for trauma? What is the role of the eye movements? What does the research indicate about EMDR's efficacy? Addressing these key questions and more, this…

"Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing“ (EMDR) ist die Bezeichnung für eine psychotherapeutische Methode, die von der amerikanischen Psychologin Francine Shapiro entwickelt wurde (Shapiro 1998). Das Grundprinzip von EMDR besteht darin, dass…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a complex, highly specialized therapy that combines several therapeutic methods— psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, etc.—with eye movements or other forms of rhythmical stimulation, such as…

Il y a 20 ans l’EMDR débutait en tant que technique pour aider les clients à retraiter des expériences traumatiques. Depuis, l’EMDR s’est développé et constitue une approche thérapeutique complexe utilisée pour traiter des enjeux d’estime…

Katy Butler is impressed by an amazing new technique.

Important reading for current and future addictions treatment clinicians--this book synthesizes and integrates the expanding body of knowledge about combined trauma/addiction treatment to specifically address the needs of clinicians in addiction…

Negli ultimi anni, con l’affermarsi dell’EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) come approccio terapeutico consolidato, sono stati formati nel mondo più di 80.000 terapeuti di matrice psicoterapeutica diversa, 1600 soltanto in Italia. Un…

"Ik heb het boek 'Met andere ogen bekeken' met plezier gelezen en ben er van overtuigd dat dit interessante lectuur is voor geïnteresseerden, voor cliënten en voor collega's die meer over EMDR willen te weten komen. De eerstelijns benadering van EMDR…

Die von Francine Shapiro entwickelte innovative EMDR-Methode (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing/Augenbewegungs-Desensibilisierung und Neubearbeitung) hat in der Fachwelt großes Aufsehen erregt, so sehr grenzte sie an Zauberei.…

This chapter addresses several things. First, we consider the key features of eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), its theoretical foundations, and later its integration with other therapies. We consider the merits of the key (and…

Proposes that the combination of network theory (NT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) offer the opportunity to understand better the barriers to recovery and provides a methodology for breaking through panic disorder with…

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (ENDR) therapy has burst upon the psychotherapeutic scene as a time-limited, cost-contained, and efficacious treatrnent for anxiety, stress, and psychological trauma. Although this therapy has been pronounced…

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR therapy is a psychological treatment used for posttraumatic stress and related disorders caused by overwhelming like experience, whether single or chronic, recent or repeated…

EMDR is een nieuwe psychotherapie voor mensen die last hebben van traumatische herinneringen. De methode is in korte tijd erg populair geworden onder psychologen. Maar volgens critici is er niks nieuws onder de zon. EMDR is a new psychotherapy for…

EMDR is a relatively new therapy established within the last 10 years or so. It is an extremely effective treatment for people – children as well as adults – who have had traumatic experiences. It is also helpful for a variety of emotional and…

In 2005 the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published new guidelines on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), recommending either trauma-focused CBT or Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) as treatment.…

There is considerable controversy about Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and publications, even the esteemed 'The Psychologist’ have shed very little light on EMDR or the political and professional jealousies surrounding it.…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a procedure that is increasingly used in psychotherapy to help victims reduce the impact of negative experiences from the past that intrude on present day life. Often these negative life…

The plenary guest speaker was Francine Shapiro PhD, the originator and developer of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (E.M.D.R.).
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