Browse Items (160 total)
Background: People traumatized by wars develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and have low distress tolerance or emotional perception.…
Military veterans are a unique clinical population who share a common experience of once serving in the armed forces. There is growing recognition of…
In recent years the concept of Moral Injury has morphed from its origins as a descriptor of the damage done to warrior's psyches after serving in a…
Background Armed forces personnel frequently witness traumatic events and suffer the consequences of involvement in combat. Improving treatment of…
Based on the profound expertise of the author―an EMDR therapist, consultant, and trainer who brings 33 years of military experience to his therapeutic…
This quantitative study of 13 veterans living in a residential treatment program for substance abuse and homelessness was designed to measure the…
Purpose:The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is higher among veterans, and can lead to disastrous consequences such as suicide. Eye…
The presenter will illustrate ways to make EMDR therapy more efficient for military service members and veterans transitioning to civilian life.…
EMDR psychotherapists often feel challenged when applying the EMDR standard protocol when working with veterans and active duty clients. This may be…
This workshop offers the opportunity for additional clinical skill development for participants. Presenters are members of Soldier Center staff who…
Based on low-quality studies, for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), there is a suggestion that treatment with eye-movement…
در میان جانبازان شیوع بالایی دارد، از سوی دیگر، (PTSD) مقدمه: با توجه به اینکه میزان اختلال استرس پس از سانحه این اختلال مشکلات عدی د های برای…
This presentation addresses the need for early intervention for people immediately impacted by military conflicts, as well as veterans and their…
Introduction: Sleep disorders are a common symptom of PTSD. These disturbances are a clinical factor of severity, and would also contribute to the…
A problem faced by war veterans suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is accessible and timely treatment. This study compared the…
Effective treatments for combat trauma in military service members exist, but barriers to care abound, including poor access, stigma, and dropout.…
There are a host of methods to treat such veterans, like cognitive processing therapy and exposure therapy. These psychotherapies, while medically…
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is een bewezen effectieve en veelvuldig ingezette behandeling voor Post-Traumatische Stress…
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is een bewezen effectieve behandeling voor posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS). De literatuur…
A 31 year-old combat veteran, presenting with “anger issues” and recent problems across several critical domains of memory, appeared to manifest the…
There is a growing need for EMDR therapists to effectively treat military and veteran populations. This full-day workshop provides essential…
"Our job with the EMDR is we want them to bond with the horse so when we get into the processing of the trauma, the horse can actually nurture them…
“With EMDR, we have one foot in the past and one foot in the present, and the horse keeps that person in the present,” Ms. Lewis said. [Excerpt]
EMDR, which uses sensory stimulation to connect to triggers from trauma and neutralizes them, is getting results, according to a local nonprofit that…
EMDR Therapy has and will continue to play a significant role in healing combat trauma. Trauma and Resiliency Resources will present a single case…
The Iraq and Afghanistan wars have produced 2.5 million combat veterans, with rates of PTSD and co-morbid health concerns comparable to previous war…
This presentation provides a model for effectively treating complex PTSD. It is designed to provide resources for persons treating military/veterans…
This workshop will provide opportunity for Canadian EMDR clinicians working with military, veterans & paramilitary to gather together. We will…
If there are new approaches to helping veterans heal, great. But keep in mind that the existing system is actually pretty good, too.
“EMDR is an extremely valuable tool for therapists,” said Rich Domenico, a Boston psychotherapist who is certified in the therapy. “EMDR sort of…
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been a disabling condition for many of our military personnel — and this was true even before it was given a…
PTSD places an on-going financial and individual burden on the health-care system. It is imperative to provide effective treatment. However,…
"Our hope is that EMDR becomes an area of training for many of our clinicians both here at the Ecumenical Center as well as in the community, because…
Theoretischer Hintergrund: Vergleichende Wirksamkeitsuntersuchungen verschiedener traumakonfrontativer Verfahren in der stationären Behandlung von…
Using EMDR with Veterans can be problematic; this workshop will describe some of the common pitfalls and issues that arise, and how to creatively…
Soldiers and veterans diagnosed with PTSD benefit less from psychotherapy than non-military populations. The current meta-analysis identified…
It is important to point out, however, that there are very effective treatments for managing PTSD symptoms. Eye Movement Desensitization and…
At Clarksville's Soldier Center, where director E.C. Hurley has been using EMDR since 2003, a large number of recorded post-treatment interviews with…
This workshop aims to provide practical ideas for understanding and working with military personnel and veterans. The workshop will address the…
Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and eyemovement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy were compared for veterans in a posttraumatic…
At Fort Wainwright, soldiers often seek out EMDR because, “it’s perceived to be less invasive” than another common treatment called prolonged…
Two seminal studies currently provide empirical evidence for treatment of PTSD and anchor the VA’s treatment focus/ funding...Cognitive Processing…
This study addresses the question, what is the most effective treatment method for female veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation…
This presentation will illustrate the use of the methods of Level of Urge to Avoid (LOUA) and Constant Installation of Present Orientation and Safety…
Recognizing that the need for EMDR clinicians to provide EMDR therapy to the military and veteran population has never been greater, this presentation…