Using EMDR for performance enhancement in career and creative performing arts


In her thirteen years of work with EMDR and peak performance, Dr. Sandra "Sam" Foster has found that EMDR can be a powerful tool for helping higher functioning people achieve their goals in career and in the performing and creative arts. This advanced EMDR specialty training teaches you how to use the EMDR Peak Performance Protocol to help clients break rhrough obstacles of performance anxiety, perfectionism, fear of failure, and concerns about sustaining success. This protocol is also useful for clients who have made good progress in their therapy and now wish to make their future template real -- going to work, beginning a relationship, or starting a family. Come learn how to develop an area of private practice with healthy clients who want to overcome past setbacks and disappointments to become all they wish to be. Experience for yourself how to create resources for possibility and self-actualization.






Sandra "Sam" Foster

Original Work Citation

Foster, S. (2004, September). Using EMDR for performance enhancement in career and creative performing arts. Presentation at the 9th EMDR International Association Conference, Montreal, QC


“Using EMDR for performance enhancement in career and creative performing arts,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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