Combining EMDR with relapse prevention programs to enhance treatment outcomes with sex offenders


There have been numerous barriers to the development of comprehensive and successful treatment for sex offenders. One of the primary barriers involved societal views of offenders as being incorrigible and first and foremost deserving of punishment. Offenders themselves have fed that view because of seemingly impenetrable defense mechanisms they develop to maintain a sense of safety from others as well as their own thoughts, feelings, and memories. Other barriers to development of comprehensive treatment models involve the failure of traditional psychodynamic techniques, which focus primarily on resolving intrapsychic conflicts, to provide cost effective, adequate, and reliable treatment results (Lockhart, Saunders, & Cleveland, 1989).






Tim McMulin

Original Work Citation

McMulin, T. (1998, June). Combining EMDR with relapse prevention programs to enhance treatment outcomes with sex offenders. EMDRIA Newsletter, 3(2), 20-24


“Combining EMDR with relapse prevention programs to enhance treatment outcomes with sex offenders,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 13, 2024,

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