Somatic disorders


Is the anxiety reaction better conceptualized as a post-traumatic effect of the client's illness experiences and/or medical interventions? Identify relevant anxiety-provoking stimuli (sensory, cognitions, images) related to the past experience. Establish EMDR targets and desired cognitions. EMDR procedure. Assess for generalization of therapeutic effects. Evaluate anticipatory anxiety for the medical intervention. Can the intervention be conceptualized as an acute psychological crisis? Understand the client's "explanatory models for the illness as it relates to the medical intervention. Determine client's knowledge about the illness and intervention; provide educational component as necessary. Identify salient anxiety-provoking stimuli (sensory, cognitions, images). Assist client in developing a "personal places or a state of "0 SUDS". Use Guided Imagery to help client reframe the medical intervention. Use imagery and metaphor to create a therapeutic context for the medical intervention. Incorporate key elements of the interventions (e.g., preoperative preparation, the surgery room, the medical staff and apparatuses). Rehearse cognitions involving coping strategies.






Arthur Anton
Dean Funabiki
Jocelyne Shiromoto
Marilyn Loevy Spiro

Original Work Citation

Anton, A., Funabiki, D., Shiromoto, J., & Spiro, M. L. (1994, March). Somatic disorders. Presentation at the EMDR Network Conference, Sunnyvale, CA


“Somatic disorders,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 18, 2024,

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