Treatment of bulimia and binge eating disorder using the Chemotion/EMDR protocol


Participants will: 1) learn that in Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and Binge Eating Disorder (BED), food, the abused substance, provides the means for reenactment of childhood emotional trauma and how food facilitates a re-experiencng of unresolved affects assembled with the trauma; 2) learn the Chemotion/EMDR protocol; 3) learn how to apply the Chemotion/EMDR protocol to identify what affects are being re-experienced and what traumas are being reenacted through the ingestive disorder; 4) learn how to apply the Chemottion/EMDR protocol to develop resources to tolerate the affects being vicariously reenacted through the ingestive disorder; 5) learn how to apply Chemotion/EMDR protocol to desensitize and reprocess the traumas being reenacted through the ingestive disorder; 6) learn how to recognize the presence of a dissociative component in BN and BED; and 7) learn how to combine hypnosis and EMDR to treat the dissociative component in BN and BED.






John Omaha

Original Work Citation

Omaha, J. (2000, September). Treatment of bulimia and binge eating disorder using the Chemotion/EMDR protocol. Presentation at the 5th EMDR International Association Conference, Toronto, ON


“Treatment of bulimia and binge eating disorder using the Chemotion/EMDR protocol,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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