Connecting ego states through time with EMDR and lifespan integration


Participants will be introduced to Lifespan Integration, an effective new technique, which connects dissociated ego states to one another, and eventually produces an integrated self. This technique brings up images related to the targeted trauma, and gives the client insights about the lifelong pattern of behaviors resultant from the trauma. External resources are rarely needed as clients spontaneously connect to internal resources. Participants will learn how Lifespan Integration can be used adjunctive to EMDR: 1) to quickly resolve feeder memories which are interfering with processing; 2) to help clients who are flooding with emotion regain connection to their cognitive capacities; and 3) to help clients access positive internal resources related to the targeted trauma.






Peggy Pace

Original Work Citation

Pace, P. (2003, September). Connecting ego states through time with EMDR and lifespan integration. Presentation at the 8th EMDR International Association Conference, Denver, CO


“Connecting ego states through time with EMDR and lifespan integration,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 5, 2024,

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