Panic and phobias:  Diagnosis, treatment, and incorporation of EMDR


EMDR has been found to be a valuable method to incorporate into the treatment of PTSD. It has also been found to be a structured, non-invasive treatment for a number of other anxiety disorders. This workshop will focus on the clinical application of EMDR with Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Participants will learn: 1) to assess clients with phobic conditions; 2) to identify core negative congitions related to fear; 3) to know when and how to apply EMDR with clients suffering from an anxiety disorder; and 4) to use creative adaptions of EMDR for these clients. Presenters will make use of lecture, case studies, and videotaped treatment sessions.






Ad de Jongh
Marcia Whisman

Original Work Citation

de Jongh, A., & Whisman, M. (2001, June). Panic and phobias: Diagnosis, treatment, and incorporation of EMDR. Preconference presentation at the 6th EMDR International Association Conference, Austin, TX



“Panic and phobias:  Diagnosis, treatment, and incorporation of EMDR,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 11, 2024,

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