Advance clinical seminar: Innovation and integration in EMDR based diagnosis, technique, teaching, performance enhancement and creativity


Participants will: 1) be able to understand and utilize EMDR based diagnosis; 2) be able to utilize both forming of "questioning interweaves" and reflection of clients questions for processing; 3) gain an in depth understanding of the rationale and use of auditory and tactile modes of EMDR stimulation; 4) have working knowldge of advanced conceptualizations of parallel protocols, processing interaction between internalized selves and longer term EMDR; 5) have an expanded knowledge of issues in teaching EMDR, such as individual and group supervision and presenting seminars; 6) gain an understanding of a developmental model of performance and techniques for application of EMDR to performance enhancement and sports psychology; and 7) develop comprehensive understanding of issues of creativity and EMDR. This will include both the client's and therapist's creativity in the EMDR process, as well as se of EMDR for creativity enhancement.






David Grand

Original Work Citation

Grand, D. (1998, July). Advance clinical seminar: Innovation and integration in EMDR based diagnosis, technique, teaching, performance enhancement and creativity. Presentation at the 3rd EMDR International Association Conference, Baltimore, MD


“Advance clinical seminar: Innovation and integration in EMDR based diagnosis, technique, teaching, performance enhancement and creativity,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed April 27, 2024,

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