Stress-overs; take three women under incredible pressure--just like you--and three stress-reduction experts.  Mix. Stir up memories.  Question: Is relief in sight?


The approach, developed by psychologist Francine Shapiro, PhD, more than a decade ago, involves asking a client to recall a stressful experience while watching her therapist quickly move a finger, an object, or a light back and forth in front of her face. This allegedly changes the way the mind stores the memory. The therapist also plays music or nature sounds designed to induce an almost trancelike state in which the client can get a clear image of the trauma--the same state in which, according to Grand, a person can access her most profound ability to heal. While other therapeutic approaches can involve years of sloshing through psychological dramas, proponents of EMDR claim that healing can be accomplished in weeks or months rather than years. Grand says it can even be almost instantaneous.






M. Burford

Original Work Citation

Burford, M. (2002, October 1). Stress-overs; take three women under incredible pressure--just like you--and three stress-reduction experts. Mix. Stir up memories. Question:Is relief in sight? O, The Oprah Magazine


“Stress-overs; take three women under incredible pressure--just like you--and three stress-reduction experts.  Mix. Stir up memories.  Question: Is relief in sight?,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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