To heaven and hell, and back


I looked at him, waiting for the rest. He knew I wouldn't accept that word as a real answer. "B'seder gamur" - very fine," he said a second later. Then he added, "B'seder vegamur (Fine and finished)." I had been working with Malachi after the terrorist bombing attack in which he was badly wounded. Like many people who survive these incidents, he suffered from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), a condition which causes flashbacks from the event, nightmares, panic attacks and prevents the individual from functioning. In his late forties, [Malachi] looked older. He had sat behind the wheel of a bus from 5 a.m. till 9 p.m. and knew, personally and by name, many of the passengers who had traveled with him daily and were now hurt or dead.






Shulamit Lando

Original Work Citation

Lando, S. (2001, December 12). To heaven and hell, and back. Jerusalem, Israel: Jerusalem Post, Daily Edition, Features, 10


“To heaven and hell, and back,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 10, 2024,

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