Treating complex PTSD with EMDR


Research has demonstrated that EMDR is efficacious in treating PTSD. Many clinicians however treat clients with more complicated forms of PTSD resulting from early, repeated trauma experiences. This workshop will provide a framework for beating complex PTSD using EMDR. It will first summarize the clinical picture of complex PTSD, including it's bi-phasic numbing/constricting interspersed with repetitive intrusions, chronic physiological hyperarousal, distortions of the self, and the presence of dissociation, which includes for some clients, the presence of ego states. This information will be used to demonstrate EMDR Case Conceptualizations and several approaches to target selection, depending upon the characteristics of the clinical situation. The workshop will provide a number of EMDR methods for stabilizing clients early in treatment then will focus on Assessment and Desensitization. Complex PTSD frequently calls for extensive use of cognitive interweaves because of the significant distortions in sense of self, and so their use will be reviewed. As they emerge in the different phases of EMDR, different types of dissociation present the clinician with choice points about how to proceed. The workshop will provide sevcral ways to recognize the emergence of dissociation during each of the 8 phases of EMDR and the choice points this represents. It will discuss several ways to manage dissociation as it emerges, including ego states, so that EMDR can proceed productively. Present triggers and future considerations will be included. Time will be included for questions and for focused discussion.






Denise Gelinas

Original Work Citation

Gelinas, D. (2006, September). Treating complex PTSD with EMDR. Presentation at the 11th EMDR International Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA


“Treating complex PTSD with EMDR,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 18, 2024,

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