The role of the traumatic component in the etiology of sexual dysfunctions and its treatment with eye movement desensitization procedure


This is the first field report of the application of the Eye Movement Desensitization (EMD) procedure to the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. EMD and its application are described using case illustrations.When a careful examination of clients is made, it is often discovered that the very inception of the dysfunction becomes traumatic. In the relevant sex therapy literature, the role of trauma in the etiology of sexual dysfunctions is largely underestimated. Clinical experience suggests that EMD is an effective economic and safe technique, which combines easily with other sex therapy measures. It is an option to be considered when other techniques fail, and is especially suitable for clients without partners. The assessment as to whether or not to use EMD is, in and of itself, therapeutically beneficial.






Uri Wernik

Original Work Citation


“The role of the traumatic component in the etiology of sexual dysfunctions and its treatment with eye movement desensitization procedure,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed April 29, 2024,

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