Body-based interventions for self-reguation and resourcing in the treatment of complex trauma


In the clinical treatment of complex trauma, it is important to evaluate a patient’s readiness for trauma processing. This includes recognizing a clinical presentation of complex trauma and an understanding of it etiology. Additionally, it is imperative to understand the effects of trauma on the body system. Pre-mature trauma processing can serve to symptomatically worsen a pervasive pattern of systemic dysregulation. Prior to successful trauma processing, a patient must be able to maintain dual attention, regulate their affect, and tolerate the experience of affective state change. Body-based resourcing and regulatory skills can be utilized by the clinician to increase a patient’s ability to tolerate and more fully integrate pre-frontal lobe cognitive activity with the emotional and sensory experiences resultant of trauma. Strategies from many modalities, such as Dialectic Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness Practices and EMDR Resourcing can be taught to and practiced by the client in preparation for successful regulated integration of traumatic memory.






S. Korman

Original Work Citation

Korman, S. (2007, June). Body-based interventions for self-reguation and resourcing in the treatment of complex trauma. Presentation at the 8th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Paris, France


“Body-based interventions for self-reguation and resourcing in the treatment of complex trauma,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 9, 2024,

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