Adaptive information processing, attachment theory and EMDR case conceptualization


With complex cases many clinicians struggle with case formulation and predicting responses to EMDR reprocessing. This presentation integrates the Adaptive Information Processing Model with adult attachment classification. Clinical case examples illustrate practical clinical strategies for assessing attachment classification as a foundation for case formulation. With conflicting models for treatment planning in the standard EMDR text, this presentation offers a symptom informed approach, incorporating elements of the parallel models of Korn (Korn, et al., 2004) and Leeds (2004). Case example treatment plans will be presented in a visual format to illustrate how this model can be applied to simple and complex cases.






Andrew Leeds

Original Work Citation

Leeds, A. (2008, September). Adaptive information processing, attachment theory and EMDR case conceptualization. Presentation at the 13th EMDR International Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ


“Adaptive information processing, attachment theory and EMDR case conceptualization,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 12, 2024,

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