State of consciousness & paradigm: A comparison between two descriptions of the processes of change observed in a psychotherapy integrated with EMDR and some contributions on a unified theory of psychotherapy


This presentation compares two different descriptions: Paradigm and State of Consciousness, of the changes, observable in a psychotherapy integrated with EMDR, to establish which of the two descriptions is the most likely and consistent. Applying the method of the double description it will seek to identify contributions that may be 25 useful for the construction of a Unified Theory of Psychotherapy. At first, attention is focused upon the necessity to construct a bridge-language between the different dialects of psychotherapies. Short specialized definitions, such as Paradigm and State of Conscience, could be examples of the complex concepts, here denominated synthetic metaphors, transtheorical or Tran disciplinal, to be researched for constructing a common language between the plurality of psychotherapies. Some implications of the methodological innovation carried on by EMDR in psychology, psychotherapy, and in other disciplines are then analysed and proposed. In particular, the easy integration of traditional psychotherapeutic methodologies with EMDR and the discovery of new target of psychotherapy, have led to looking at all psychological activities in terms of a spatial metaphor. On the basis of this a general map of the psychological territories of "sapiens sapiens" has been drafted. This general map is divided in two main areas: A -the psychological territories of the individual, B -the psychological territories of the species, This species map has some specific characteristics; since "sapiens sapiens" are social animals, their relations have clear functions of social and environmental group interface too. These maps will be illustrated. In its original meaning, the definition of Paradigm will be found within the maps and consequently analysed in its variations. The amplified theory of State of Conscience will be presented and analysis, similar to the previous one, will be carried out. A description of EMDR, that may be useful for implementing its understanding, will be proposed at the end.

The title link is to an Introduction in Italian.






Lo Iacono Saverio


“State of consciousness & paradigm: A comparison between two descriptions of the processes of change observed in a psychotherapy integrated with EMDR and some contributions on a unified theory of psychotherapy,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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