Successful treatment of trauma and addictions using EMDR (Eye movement desenitization and reprocessing), Parts I and II


Over the past two decades we have seen an increase in the relationship between Trauma and Addiction including eating disorders. Studies have focused on the psychobiological effects on the brain and PTSD symptomology. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing has gained great respect in the field for its efficacy and long term benefits with PTSD (Trauma Survivors) and Substance Abuse. Research suggests that PTSD clients are more responsive to treatments that specifically "process" traumatic memories such as EMDR. EMDR is an exposure treatment in which clients perform saccidic eye movements to process traumatic memories which in turn accelerates the processing of information involving a shift of cognitive structures ( including the assimilation of positive beliefs)." The application of EMDR apparently stimulates an inherent physiological processing system that allows dysfunctional information to be adaptively resolved, resulting in increased insight, cognitive restructing of potential relaspe triggers and physical cravings";Shapiro F.(1994). What we have learned over the years is that brain function can be altered by external stimuli; with the use of EMDR, eye movement "Naturally" occures in the rem sleep as well as activating it in the wake states has proven to be quite effective in the treatment of maladaptive behaviors: This workshop will look at this treatment modality its effectiveness and use with Trauma and Addictions; Workshop format will include lecture, case examples, and experiental exercises.






Tree A. Borden

Original Work Citation

Borden, T. A. (2009, January). Successful treatment of trauma and addictions using EMDR (Eye movement desenitization and reprocessing), Parts I and II. Presentation at the San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment


“Successful treatment of trauma and addictions using EMDR (Eye movement desenitization and reprocessing), Parts I and II,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 8, 2024,

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