Promoting mental health following the London bombings: A screen and treat approach


Following the 2005 London bombings, a novel public health program was instituted to address the mental health needs of survivors. In this article, the authors describe the rationale for the program, characteristics of individuals assessed within the program, and preliminary outcome data. In addition to validated screening instruments and routine service usage data, standardized questionnaire outcome measures were collected. 71% of individuals screened positive for a mental disorder. Of those receiving a more detailed clinical assessment, PTSD was the predominant diagnosis. Preliminary outcome data on 82 patients revealed large effect sizes for treatment comparable to those previously obtained in randomized controlled trials. The program succeeded in its aim of generating many more referrals of affected individuals than came through normal referral channels.






Chris R. Brewin
Peter Scragg
Mary Robertson
Monica Thompson
Patricia d'Ardenne
Anke Ehlers

Original Work Citation

Brewin, C. R., Scragg, P., Robertson, M., Thompson, M., D'Ardenne, P., & Ehlers, A. (2008, February). Promoting mental health following the London bombings: A screen and treat approach. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21(1), 3-8. doi:10.1002/jts.20310


“Promoting mental health following the London bombings: A screen and treat approach,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed April 30, 2024,

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