Phase-based trauma treatment of adults with problems of trauma and attachment: DBT and EMDR


Clients who have experienced traumatic events, as well as other complex psychiatric issues, have significant skill deficits in the area of emotion regulation and attachments. Phase-based trauma treatment (DBT followed by EMDR) assists clients in developing adequate emotion regulation skills and developing healthy interpersonal relationships during a preliminary phase of therapy prior to trauma processing. This presentation offers rationale and instruction for phase-based treatment with complex client populations. Case and video examples and the results of a small pilot project are utilized to illustrate topics presented.






Ann Potter
Debra Wesselmann

Original Work Citation

Potter, A., & Wesselmann, D. (2009, August). Phase-based trauma treatment of adults with problems of trauma and attachment: DBT and EMDR. Presentation at the 14th EMDR International Association Conference, Atlanta, GA


“Phase-based trauma treatment of adults with problems of trauma and attachment: DBT and EMDR,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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