Using energy psychology to address inability to maintain dual attention focus in EMDR


The AIP model requires a dual focus with patient’s attention on the traumatic memory concomitant with an awareness of the present moment. Despite an intensive EMDR preparation phase, some patients lack the resources to tolerate the desensitization phase and are unable to achieve or maintain dual attention during the bilateral stimulation. In this workshop, we will teach techniques from the emerging field of energy psychology, such as polarity corrections and touch and breathe, which provide additional tools for the EMDR process and expand therapists’ strategies for assisting patients who are dissociative, fearful, abreactive or have limited self-regulatory skills.






Victoria Britt
Sheila S. Bender
John Diepold

Original Work Citation

Britt, V., Bender, S. S., & Diepold, J. (2009, August). Using energy psychology to address inability to maintain dual attention focus in EMDR. Presentation at the 14th EMDR International Association Conference, Atlanta, GA


“Using energy psychology to address inability to maintain dual attention focus in EMDR,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 15, 2024,

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