When words and pictures fail: An introduction to adaptive information processing



As part of my discussion with my patients about their mind and the adaptive information processing (AIP) system, I find that patients are sometimes unable to find responses when asked about a picture representing the worst part of the event or what negative belief remains with them as a result of a life experience. It is my opinion that it is advantageous for the clinician to attempt to get all the pieces to the protocol and I recommend the scripts provides in this chapter as possible ways to do so. Use the scripts either during Phase 1 (history taking) or Phase 2 (preparation). The When Words and Pictures Fail Script is provided, and a case example is use to illustrate how to address unrecalled or missing assessment ingredients.


Book Section




Sheila S. Bender


“When words and pictures fail: An introduction to adaptive information processing,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 9, 2024, https://francineshapirolibrary.omeka.net/items/show/19077.

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