Resource installation (connection) in the standard EMDR protocol


Resource Installation (RDI) is presented as an option for use in the standard protocol of EMDR. Consistent with the self healing aspect of the EMDR model, it allows the creation of an authentic resource sequence which is unique to the client, precisely matching her need or problem. The resource connection can also serve as a centre of inner strength in the solution of future problems. This work draws upon three conceptual frameworks in addition to Dr Shapiro's innate information processing model; (1) the assumption of an unconscious connection to resources as a source of healing (Erickson and Rossi 1976); (2) Narrative Therapy approaches of White and Epston (1990) and de Shazer (Focused Solution Therapy 1985); (3) the Jungian assumption of a need to reach a balance between the dialectical opposites of the psyche (Jung 1963). An appreciation of this dialectic can explain the unconscious matching between the problem and the resource. Three types of Resource connections (RC) will be presented: I. Past resource Connection, or PRC, which is carried out in the beginning of therapy after identification of the target and before specifying the picture. This is an image of a memory when the client felt at his best. There is an unconscious match between this resource and the problem. 2. Present resource connection, or PR. RC. This is a positive image which appears spontaneously during the processing, or induced by Cognitive Interweave. 3. Future Resource Connection, or FRC, which is an image of the way the client would like to see himself in a few months or in the more distant future. The use of this chain of resources during the sessions and outside the therapy room has been found 16 be very effective.

I will give several examples to demonstrate different possibilities of using RC.






Brurit Laub

Original Work Citation

Laub, B. (2001, May). Resource installation (connection) in the standard EMDR protocol. Presentation at the 2nd EMDR Europe Association Conference, London, England


“Resource installation (connection) in the standard EMDR protocol,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 9, 2024,

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