EMDR with children 2-10 years of age: Practical and creative therapuetic tools derived from an ongoing fidelity study based on the adaptive information processing model


This presentation will encompass the findings from a current and ongoing research study on EMDR with young children, with implications for clinical practice arising from this study. The clinical experiences of the presenter, which include treating traumatized children and training EMDR therapists, led to the first EMDR fidelity study on children. From that study, our preliminary findings led us to formulate suggestions about training therapists; these ideas will be explained in the workshop.

Examples will be discussed of how issues related to the therapist, client, and patient, home environment, clinical environment, and therapist training all impact the EMDR treatment protocol with children 20 to 10 years of age. Participants will also learn to identify developmentally appropriate and child-specific languaging in order to conceptualize the treatment of children using the EMDR protocol. Using Dr. Shapiro’s Adaptive Information Processing model, participants will learn to attune to the child verbally and non-verbally to understand how the child has learned to store the trauma in their memory network, versus how the parent or therapist believes the trauma to be stored. Specific tools like mapping and graphing that are used to tease out all the pieces of the EMDR protocol and develop case conceptualization will be demonstrated with associated videos. Through the use of Powerpoint presentation, case presentation, and handouts, additional practical and interesting tools will be presented to assist therapists in using Resource Development, Mastery, and Safe Place exercises in the efficacious treatment of young children. Creative tools used to identify targets, emotions, body sensation, and negative and positive cognitions, will be demonstrated, as well as measurements to aid the child in eliciting the VOC and SUDs. Also, the important of the three-pronged approach (the process of addressing targets from the past, present, and future), and how to develop targets from a child’s often concrete perspective, will be discussed. Finally, participants will be able to use a specific format for reevaluation from both the child’s and parents’ point of view. With these advanced skills in translating EMDR into developmentally appropriate terms and imaginative tools for implementation, participants will return to their practices encouraged to use the entire EMDR protocol with even the youngest of clients. The workshop, which is based on clinical experience and research, will teach creative skills in applying the eight-phase protocol to young children.






Carolyn Settle

Original Work Citation

Settle, C. (2007, June). EMDR with children 2-10 years of age: Practical and creative therapuetic tools derived from an ongoing fidelity study based on the adaptive information processing model. Presentation at the 8th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Paris, France


“EMDR with children 2-10 years of age: Practical and creative therapuetic tools derived from an ongoing fidelity study based on the adaptive information processing model,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 10, 2024, https://francineshapirolibrary.omeka.net/items/show/19350.

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