Introduction to a safe place installation protocol for use with clients who have no pre-existing concepts or feelings of safety


Theoretical background: The teaching of a “safe place installation protocol” forms part of the standard EMDR training and for my EMDR practitioners and consultants alike it belongs to their repertoire of EMDR treatment techniques. Such a protocol requires clients to access and identify with an experienced place of safety in their lives. Complex (i.e., Type II) trauma clients, as well as other clients which have not been able to build a secure, positive sense of inner self, as a result of their unsafe experiences during most of all of their life, however, may find it very difficult to access and identify a safe place, which they can draw on during the use of EMDR safe place installation protocol. The standard safe pace installation protocol therefore frequently does not work for these clients. Yet, it is suggested in this presentation that access to the inner ‘safe place’ resource can be of particular therapeutic benefit for this client group. In recognition of the need for such a resource, Dr. Herbert has developed an alternative version of an EMDR-based safe place installation protocol, which draws on all sensory modalities (involving, cognitive, emotional and somatic systems) that will work with clients who have no known prior access to a place of safety in their lives.

Aim of presentation: The conference audience will have the unique opportunity to experience Dr. Herbert’s safe place installation protocol’ during an in-vivo EMDR demonstration session. Suggested variations of the protocol tailored to individual client differences and clinical applications for the use of such a resource with this client group will also be explored. The latter will include use of the protocol as an inner anchoring point that clients can access and connect to in situations of crisis in their daily life and as an aid to facilitate the rebalancing of nervous system functioning.






Claudia Herbert

Original Work Citation

Herbert, C. (2004, June). Introduction to a safe place installation protocol for use with clients who have no pre-existing concepts or feelings of safety. Presentation at the 5th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Stockholm, Sweden


“Introduction to a safe place installation protocol for use with clients who have no pre-existing concepts or feelings of safety,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 8, 2024,

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