Application of resource development and installation (RDI) in delivery preparation in order to prevent post partum depression


According to the latest statistical evidence Post-Partum Depression develops in approximately 13% of women during the second -third month after childbirth with symptoms lasting between few weeks and a year and risks of relapse. Unlike the Baby Blues (affecting 70% of mothers, with onset in the 3'd - 6" day after delivery and spontaneous recovery within approximately two weeks), likely to be caused basically by hormone modifications in the immediate aftermath of childbirth. PPD development would seem to be solely determined by psychological factors: the experience of childbirth, the surfacing of unresolved problems in the relationships with attachment figures, the change in the woman's role both in the social sphere and within the couple relationship, the fear of being unable to adequately attend to the new responsibilities (both in terms of skills and of the ability to cope with the additional workioad), etc. Consequently, women experiencing childbirth as a traumatic experience are more destabilized by the event, and therefore. at a higher risk of developing PPD. Childbirth requires the deployment of many personal resources. A woman in labor must be able to bear the pain, while having to "push", 1.e. contrast the automatic antalgic reaction (which would close the delivery channel) and "meeting the pain", during the "expulsion" phase. Considering that "Peak Performances" require moving out of a person's comfort zone and stretching a person's boundaries, childbirth experience can be rightfully considered a "Peak Performance". This work describes RDI application times and modes during Delivery Preparation in order to strengthen the different personal resources needed by pregnant women to experience her childbirth as an ego syntonic experience. In this sense, RDI associated with EMDR can be considered an actual Primary Prevention intervention, capable of teaching women something positive about themselves, thus effectively offsetting the onset of PPD. Furthermore the results of the application of this technique collected during the Post-Partum phase on 48 women will be discussed. Learning objectives: 1 identification of the specific issues predisposing the development of PTSD due to Childbirth and of Post-Partum Depression. 2. Framing Childbirth as a Peak Performance. 3 Learning RDI (Resource Development and Installation) application through Bilateral Stimuli during Delivery Preparation Courses.






Anna Maria de Divitiis

Original Work Citation

De Divitiis, A. M. (2010, June). Application of resource development and installation (RDI) in delivery preparation in order to prevent post partum depression. In Female issues. Symposium conducted at the 11th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Hamburg, Germany


“Application of resource development and installation (RDI) in delivery preparation in order to prevent post partum depression,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 2, 2024,

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