Meditation integrated EMDR: An amalgamation of EMDR with traditional healing methods


Ancient healing practices like meditation, yoga and pranayama have been found effective with a range of anxiety disorders but also have their limitations. EMDR integrated with such techniques is well adapted to Eastern cultures and is effective and more easily accepted with a range of traumatic events. This workshop will familiarize participants with various cultural adaptations as well as ways to integrate traditional effective methods in dealing with traumatized events. Participants will learn: 1. An overview of techniques derived from ancient Indian scriptures and healing methods like yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques) and Vippasana meditation and their applications in modern psychotherapy. 2. More about research on how this works. 3. Similarities and parallels with EMDR and points of integration 4. How to integrate these strategies into the EMDR protocol 5. Pilot study on the effectiveness of this integrated technique in traumatized individual.






Lakshmipriya Kannan

Original Work Citation

Kannan, L. (2010, July). Meditation integrated EMDR: An amalgamation of EMDR with traditional healing methods. Presentation at the 1st EMDR Asia Conference, Bali, Indonesia



“Meditation integrated EMDR: An amalgamation of EMDR with traditional healing methods,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 18, 2024,

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