The effect of resolving early memories on the level of distress associated with later memories: Two cases


Trauma therapists must make clinical judgments about which memories to target in what order, taking into account the palticular client's abiiity to tolerate a potentially challenging trauma-focused session (eg., see Greenwald, 2007). Greenwald & Schmitt (2008) previously found that working on an earlier "floated back to" - presumably thematically related - memory led to signiiicantly reduced SUDS on the later untreated memory. However, the participants were non-trearment seeking therapists, and the reduced SUDS was found immediately following treatment of the carlier memory. The questions for thc present study: Does this beneficial effect occur with real clients in treatment? Does this beneiiciai effect persist over time?






Ricky Greenwald
Andrew Seubert

Original Work Citation

Greenwald, R., & Seubert, A. (2010, September/October). The effect of resolving early memories on the level of distress associated with later memories: Two cases. Poster presented at the 15th EMDR International Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN


“The effect of resolving early memories on the level of distress associated with later memories: Two cases,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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