Using EMDR with various types of developmental trauma


We are increasingly recognising how clients suffering from single-event trauma have different treatment needs to those with complex trauma, based on underlying developmental trauma. However, developmental trauma is a very broad, non-specific category - what about different types of developmental trauma? Certain recurring characteristics and features of developmental trauma, based on the developmental stage, the intensity of the traumatising event, the available resources etc can be recognised in the client’s presentation, including posture and body language, habitual cognitions and attitudes and modes of relating and expression. These typologies can assist practitioners both in refining their diagnosis of developmental trauma as well as the accuracy of applying the EMDR protocol. My presentation will build on established psychotherapeutic typologies and classifications of developmental trauma, but beyond establishing the distinguishing features of each category, will focus the material on its relevance for EMDR practitioners.






Morit Heitzler

Original Work Citation

Heitzler, M. (2011, March). Using EMDR with various types of developmental trauma. Symposium conducted at the 9th EMDR Association UK & Ireland Annual Conference & AGM, Bristol, UK


“Using EMDR with various types of developmental trauma,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 15, 2024,

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