Synpunkter akutstressyndrom och PTSD EMDR Sweden Association comments acute stress syndrome and PTSD


Föreningen EMDR Sverige vill lämna följande kommentarer till utkastet till riktlinjer avseende behandling av akut stressyndrom och posttraumatiskt stressyndrom. International Society for Traumatic Stress studies gör regelbundet sammanställningar av evidensläget [1]. Det är viktigt att beakta att psykologiska behandlingsformer i form av traumafokuserad KBT och EMDR är de viktigaste och mest effektiva behandlingar. EMDR har varit kontroversiell men är det inte längre, utan är en internationellt accepterad behandlingsmetod för PTSD. Det är fortfarande inte allmänt accepterad att ögonrörelser har betydelse, men nyligen har svensk och australisk forskning visat att ögonrörelser under EMDR har tydliga fysiologiska effekter som är meningsfulla [2, 9], dessutom har alla studier av fysiologi vid EMDR hittills samstämmande visat dessa effekter, enligt en litteratursammanställning [3]. Under senaste åren har forskning om minnesfunktion och sakkadiska ögonrörelser visat att minnessystem som till exempel episodminne (som ofta är störd vid PTSD) påverkas på ett gynnsamt sätt av ögonrörelser [4-8]. Således finns det i dag mycket som stödjer att ögonrörelser är meningsfulla även om det kan vara svårt att förstå vid första anblicken. EMDR och exponeringsbehandling är lika effektiva enligt metastudier, bland annat Cochrane och i ISTSS aktuella genomgång av effektiva behandlingsmetoder för PTSD. Referenser 1. Foa E, Keane TM, Friedman MJ & Cohen JA. 2009. Effective Treatments for PTSD Practice Guidelines from the International Society fro Traumatic Stress Studies. Guilford,New York. 2. Elofsson, U.O., et al., Physiological correlates of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Journal of anxiety disorders, 2008. 22(4): p. 622-34. 3. Söndergaard, E., Psychophysiological studies of EMDR. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2008. 2(4): p. 282-288. 4. Stickgold, R., EMDR: A putative neurobiological mechanism of action. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2002. 58(1): p. 61-75. 5. Parker, A. and N. Dagnall, Effects of bilateral eye movements on gist based false recognition in the DRM paradigm. Brain and cognition, 2007. 63(3): p. 221-5. 6. Parker, A., S. Relph, and N. Dagnall, Effects of bilateral eye movements on the retrieval of item, associative, and contextual information. Neuropsychology, 2008. 22(1): p. 136-45.

EMDR Association of Sweden makes the following comments to Draft Guidelines for the treatment of acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies makes regular summaries of evidence-mode [1]. It is important to note that psychological treatments in the form of trauma-focused CBT and EMDR is the most important and most effective treatments. EMDR has been controversial but it is no longer, but is an internationally accepted method of treatment for PTSD. There is still no generally accepted that eye movements are important, but lately, Swedish and Australian research has shown that eye movements during EMDR has clear physiological effects that are meaningful [2, 9], Moreover, all studies of physiology at the convergence of EMDR to date shown these effects, according to a literature review [3]. In recent years, research on memory function and Sakka wash eye movements showed that memory systems, such as episodic memory (which is often is disturbed in PTSD) is affected in a favorable way of eye movements [4-8]. Thus today there are a lot of support that eye movements are meaningful although it may be difficult to understand at first glance. EMDR and exposure therapy are as effective as meta-studies, including Cochrane and in ISTSS current review of effective treatments for PTSD. References 1st Foa E, Keane TM, Friedman MJ & Cohen JA. 2009th Effective Treatments for PTSD Practice Guidelines from the International Society fro Traumatic Stress Studies. Guilford, New York. 2nd Elofsson, UO, et al., Physiological correlator of eye movement desensitization and Reprocessing. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2008. 22 (4): p. 622-34. 3rd Sondergaard, E., Psychophysiological studies of EMDR. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2008. 2 (4): p. 282-288. 4th Gold Stick, R., EMDR: A putative neuro Biological mechanism of action. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2002. 58 (1): p. 61-75. 5th Parker, A. and N. Dagnall, Effects of bilateral eye movements on GIST-based false recognition in the DRM paradigm. Brain and Cognition, 2007th 63 (3): p. 221-5. 6th Parker, A., S. Relph, and N. Dagnall, Effects of bilateral eye movements On the retrieval of item, associative, and contextual information. Neuro-Psychology, 2008. 22 (1): p. 136-45.






Foreningen EMDR Sverige

Original Work Citation

Foreningen EMDR Sverige. (2009). [EMDR Sweden Association comments acute stress syndrome and PTSD]. In Foreningen EMDR Sverige, Inkomna synpunkter, Nationella riktlinjer fr depressionssjukdom och ngestsyndrom preliminr, (pp. 163-164). Denmark: Riksforeningen Psykoterapi Centrum. Swedish


“Synpunkter akutstressyndrom och PTSD EMDR Sweden Association comments acute stress syndrome and PTSD,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed April 28, 2024,

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