Military and post-disaster field manual


Sensory disturbance interfering with battlefield functioning can be addressed with EMD that focuses directly and repeatedly on the target (e.g., intrusive image, explosion, smell). Identify Negative Beliefs During History: "A lot of people who have gone through situations similar to what you went through often report afterwards that they are left with negative thoughts or judgments about themselves afterward, like ‘I didn't do enough,’ ‘I'm stupid,’ and so on. What kind of that occurs for you?" Assessment: Client identifies image, NC (“I’m helpless”/optional if not possible or resistant), location of physical sensation, and SUD level. Elicit NC via questions about thoughts: "And when you focus on that picture, what are the negative thoughts you get about yourself now?" After each set (12-24 movements), client is told “Blank it (the picture) out, and take a deep breath.” They are then asked to bring up the picture and words again, to concentrate on the sensations generated, and to provide a SUD level rating from “0” to “10”. At the times that the SUD levels are taken, clients are occasionally asked such questions as “Did the picture change?” or “What do you get now/Does anything else come up?” Their answers are used a barometer of change since they often reveal new insights, perceptions, or alterations of the picture (e.g., “The picture seems further away”; “I didn’t do anything wrong”). If an answer reveals a new associated limiting belief has arisen, this belief is often included with the original statement during the next set. MISMATCH: Care should be taken to check for a mismatch if the SUD stops decreasing. If it no longer fits the emotion or changed picture (mismatch) the NC should be dropped. [Excerpt]






EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs

Original Work Citation

EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs (2004). Military and post-disaster field manual. Hamden, CT: EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs


“Military and post-disaster field manual,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 18, 2024,

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