Behandeling van de gevolgen van kindermishandelingTreating the effects child abuse


Compiled at the request of the Aan de staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, [The The Secretary of State for Health, Welfare and Sport] requested Gezondheidsraad [the Health Council of the Netherlands] compile this 130 page national report on child abuse. This report includes EMDR as a major tool for the treatment of abuse children. The text is in Dutch except for the "Executive Summary" which is in English. Abstract: Request for advice: Child abuse has always been with us and it takes many different forms. It is estimated that more than 100,000 children are abused in the Netherlands each year. In recent years, the government has taken strong measures to improve the prevention, detection, and reporting of child abuse. Given the lack of clarity concerning the available treatment options for juvenile and adult victims of child abuse, the Minister for Youth and Family has requested the Health Council’s advice on this matter. He asked for a summary of the current level of knowledge regarding treatment of the effects of child abuse, and an explanation of the nature of these effects. He further requested an indication of the care requirement, and recommendations on how the care for victims can be improved.


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Gezondheidsraad:  Health Council of the Netherlands

Original Work Citation

Gezondheidsraad: Health Council of the Netherlands. (2011, June). [Treating the effects child abuse]. In Gezondheidsraad Behandeling van de gevolgen van kindermishandeling (pp. 15-20). Author.  Dutch


“Behandeling van de gevolgen van kindermishandelingTreating the effects child abuse,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 11, 2024,

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