Is EMDR a safe place plus desensitisation? Considerations for when, how and why to ‘embed’ EMDR in other therapies


The aim of the presentation is to offer a background from the findings of the 700 cases to understand how clinicians employed the use of EMDR against the background of other therapies: 1. To consider the efficacy of this approach 2. To question whether embedding should be a random/ spontaneous intervention or part of treatment planning and goal setting 3. To judge whether there could be guidelines as to how and when to ‘embed’ and how to develop these 4. To think which of the eight phases are most likely to be used in this way 5. To discuss whether this approach is likely to aid the development of EMDR or have the opposite effect.






E. Manda Holmshaw

Original Work Citation

Holmshaw, E. M. (2012, October). Is EMDR a safe place plus desensitisation? Considerations for when, how and why to "embed" EMDR in other therapies. Presentation at the at the 4th Autumn EMDR Workshop Conference, Sheffield, UK


“Is EMDR a safe place plus desensitisation? Considerations for when, how and why to ‘embed’ EMDR in other therapies,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 14, 2024,

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