Practical guidelines for PTSD treatment in psychotic patients


Objectives: Professionals are very cautious, if not reluctant, to treat trauma-related symptoms in psychotic patients. As is argued by the other speakers there is growing evidence psychotic patients can safely be exposed to PTSD treatment. There are several possible links between trauma and psychosis and an integrative approach to conceptualizing these relationships is needed (Morrisson et al., 2003) Methods: In this presentation practical guidelines are given with respect to gathering information in the assessment phase and presenting this information in an individual case conceptualisation. Choices regarding which experiences to work with and in what way, will be discussed. Treatment processes are illustrated by vignettes and video material. Some difficulties one may encounter when using interventions like EMDR and prolongued exposure with psychotic patients, will be adressed. Results: Attendants will be mindful of an integrative model of trauma and psychosis and will be able to use this to identify the target(s) for intervening. They will be prepared for some diffuclties they may encounter while conducting PTSD treatment. Conclusions: Case formulations aim to explain the development and maintenance of client‘s experienced problems in terms of causal relationships. It is vital that both client and therapist have a shared understanding of the problems that are going to be addressed in therapy and that interventions are guided by this formulation.






Berber van der Vleugel

Original Work Citation

van der Vleugel, B. (2011, August-September). Practical guidelines for PTSD treatment in psychotic patients. In Treating PTSD in patients with psychotic disorders, Symposium conducted at the 41st EABCT annual congress, Reykjavk, Iceland


“Practical guidelines for PTSD treatment in psychotic patients,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 16, 2024,

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