Frequent problems using EMDR in the spectrum from novice to experienced EMDR clinicians


This workshop explores practical problems therapists face applying the AIP model and EMDR procedures across all eight phases of EMDR as identified in consultation. These issues begin at the “novice” level with the discovery the safe place exercise can be a trigger for clients who never learned what “safe” is. They continue with “experienced” clinicians who encounter subtle (and overt) reenactments in the therapeutic relationship. Common clinical dilemmas, essential concepts and practical skills are illustrated with numerous clinical vignettes and video recordings that add clarity and humor to the presentation. Participants will learn how to identify and mange their own difficult clinical situations.






Andrew Leeds
Anabel Gonzalez
Dolores Mosquera

Original Work Citation

Leeds, A., Gonzalez, A., & Mosquera, D. (2013, September). Frequent problems using EMDR in the spectrum from novice to experienced EMDR clinicians. Presentation at the 18th EMDR International Association Conference, Austin, TX



“Frequent problems using EMDR in the spectrum from novice to experienced EMDR clinicians,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 14, 2024,

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