Cases of grief resolved with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)


In the cases of grief discussed, eye movement desensitization (EMDR) was used for psychotherapy effectively.
Even though 'time heals', in this study, it was found that addressing the memories of loss along with beliefs, emotions and body sensations coupled with bilateral stimulation, could lead to fast resolution of grief. It was seen that the emotional difficulties after loss were closely connected to what the person believed about self while being aware of the loss. These beliefs could be related to responsibility, safety or choices. e.g., “I am not good enough”, “I am responsible”, “I am vulnerable”, “I have no choices”. The adaptive information processing(AIP) model that EMDR follows assumes that these beliefs, with corresponding emotions and body sensations, could have got developed from earlier experiences in life. In working with current grief, these early experiences could be addressed. If therapy was time-limited, the focus could be on the event of the current loss itself. Bilateral stimulations using visual, auditory or tactile modalities were used along with the awareness of cognitions, feelings and body sensations, in processing a memory. It was noticed in these cases that resolution of grief was possible effectively and efficiently, resulting in changed beliefs like “I am ok as I am”, in being able to be aware of the loss without emotional agitation, and in spontaneous recollection of happy memories related to the person/animal that was lost, or spontaneous creation of peaceful images of them in the present. Results sustained in follow-ups.







Original Work Citation

Adithy (2013, December). Cases of grief resolved with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Poster presented at the Second International Conference of Bombay Psychological Association, Mumbai, India


“Cases of grief resolved with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR),” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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