Recent simplified individual and group applications of the EMDR R-TEP for emergency situations


EMDR therapy has demonstrated effectiveness in treating chronic PTSD and trauma memories. Specialised Early EMDR Intervention (EEI) protocols have only recently been receiving increasing attention from EMDR clinicians and researchers. EEI, while trauma memories have not yet been integrated, may be used not only to treat acute distress but may also provide a window of opportunity in which a brief intervention, possibly on successive days, could prevent complications and strengthen resilience. The accessibility of EMDR therapy in emergency and disaster situations is often limited by the shortage of trained clinicians immediately available when relatively large numbers of trauma victims are involved. The question is raised whether simplified EMDR protocols can be rapidly taught to mental health personnel with or without a background in EMDR & utilised effectively.

This workshop gives an overview of the EMDR Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (R-TEP) with a video case illustration and suggests some new simplified practical developments: the EMDR G-TEP (Group Traumatic Episode Protocol) and it’s adaptation for individual application and the notion of S-TEP (Structured Traumatic Episode Protocols) –modular training applications for use in emergency situations by EMDR clinicians and possibly non-EMDR trained Mental Health personnel.






Elan Shapiro

Original Work Citation

Shapiro, E. (2014, June). Recent simplified individual and group applications of the EMDR R-TEP for emergency situations. In EMDR clinical practice symposium (Bjorn Aasen, Chair). Symposium presented at the 15th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland


“Recent simplified individual and group applications of the EMDR R-TEP for emergency situations,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 11, 2024,

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