Fight, flight or freeze – I’m fighting! The application of EMDR in a group based violence reduction treatment programme


The purpose of this workshop is to explore the impact of trauma with specific consideration to the neurological impact this has on information processing and potential links with aggression. The workshop will argue that trauma may result in a person experiencing heightened arousal and that as a result aggressive responses may not always be experienced at a cognitive level and that as a result, interventions designed to reduce aggression may benefit from assisting clients to process emotional information.

The workshop will discuss how standard CBT treatments designed to target aggression fail to directly address trauma and emotional arousal and how EMDR could be used as an additional strategy for the management of emotions, arousal reduction and increased inter-hemispheric activity to assist in logical decision making and the reduction of limbically driven responses for clients who present with aggression.

The workshop will instead present a new group based EMDR intervention for emotional arousal in clients with a history of violence, complex PTSD, Personality Disorder and Mental Illness. The workshop will provide practical examples of how the group is delivered and how EMDR is incorporated into the treatment intervention which attends to all of the factors associated with aggression.






Rachel Worthington

Original Work Citation

Worthington, R. (2014, June). Fight, flight or freeze - I'm fighting! The application of EMDR in a group based violence reduction treatment programme. In EMDR clinical practice symposium (Penny Papanikolopoulos, Chair). Symposium presented at the 15th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland


“Fight, flight or freeze – I’m fighting! The application of EMDR in a group based violence reduction treatment programme,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 1, 2024,

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