Trauma and parenting: EMDR as a powerful educational tool


Various forms of adverse childhood experiences have been found to be risk factors for the development of PTSD in children, for example, domestic violence and life threatening illness.

Effective child and adolescent trauma treatment is of great value considering its contribution to the prevention of serious mental health problems in adulthood. There is evidence that parental posttraumatic stress is an important predictor of long-term posttraumatic stress in children. In line with this it is highly important to include parents in the treatment of traumatized children. However, interventions specifically focussed on the parents and parental functioning have rarely been systematically studied (Alisic, 2011)¹.

In this workshops video fragments will be used to illustrate the effects of EMDR treatment of parents on parental skills and how children can profit from this during their own EMDR treatment, and their personal growth thereafter.

Participants learn how parents can be motivated for their own EMDR treatment and how parent treatment can be integrated in children's’ EMDR treatment plan.






Liesbeth Mevissen

Original Work Citation

Mevissen, L. (2014, June). Trauma and parenting: EMDR as a powerful educational tool. In EMDR with children symposium (Mike O'Connor, Chair). Symposium presented at the 15th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland


“Trauma and parenting: EMDR as a powerful educational tool,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 1, 2024,

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