Intensive 2 x 4 consecutive days EMDR treatment programme for complex PTSD


At the Psychotrauma Centre Of Expertise (PSYTREC) patients with chronic PTSD are treated with a 2 x 4 consecutive days treatment programme. Patients are assigned to an intensive EMDR or Prolonged Exposure programme in which they are treated 2 x 4 days in a row and twice a day during sessions of 1,5 hour each. In between the sessions, they receive psycho-education, and an intensive sports programme.

The efficacy of an intensive PTSD treatment was only recently explored in a randomized study (Ehlers et al., 2014) in which patients with chronic PTSD were randomly assigned to 7 day intensive cognitive therapy or 3- month standard cognitive therapy. Treatment of one week was found to be equally effective (73% loss of PTSD diagnosis) as the treatment that lasted 3 months (77% loss of PTSD diagnosis). The question is whether the application of EMDR therapy is possible and whether it could lead to similar positive results.

In this workshop the first results based on more than 50 patients will be presented, which will be illustrated with clinical vignettes, videos and lessons learned which have relevance for clinical practice in general.






Ad de Jongh
Sjef Berendsen

Original Work Citation

de Jongh, A., & Berendsen, S. (2016, June). Intensive 2 x 4 consecutive days EMDR treatment programme for complex PTSD. In Intensive EMDR for (complex) PTSD (Peter Liebermann, Chair). Presentation  at the at the 17th EMDR Europe Association Conference, The Hague


“Intensive 2 x 4 consecutive days EMDR treatment programme for complex PTSD,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 5, 2024,

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