Treating attachment wounds with EMDR therapy


This workshop will describe the nature of attachment wounds and how they affect survivors of early emotional neglect and abuse. Detailed procedural instruction will be offered in three methods widely used in the EMDR community for treating attachment wounds: The Positive Affect Tolerance protocol, Resource Development and Installation, and the Loving Eyes Procedure. Each of these procedures offers unique possibilities that can be suitable to those with complex histories of early relational neglect and abuse. Sample cases and specific criteria will be offered for selecting with which cases and when to offer each of these procedures and how they can be modified to best meet individuals’ needs.






Andrew Leeds

Original Work Citation

Leeds, A. (2018, June). Treating attachment wounds with EMDR therapy. Preconference presentation at the at the 19th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Strasbourg, France


“Treating attachment wounds with EMDR therapy,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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