Trauma e infância - A psicoterapia EMDR na resolução das manifestações psicopatológicas, corporais e comportamentais das crianças: impacto na vivência pessoalTrauma and childhood - The use of EMDR psychotherapy in the resolution of psychopathological manifestions, body sensations and behavioral manifestations of children.  The impact of personal, school and family experiences


Neste workshop pretende‐se transmitir aos participantes a possibilidade de através da visualização de vídeos e das comunicações dos autores, bem como, da transmissão de algumas técnicas, familiarizarem‐se ou desenvolverem (no caso de participantes com formação em EMDR) a psicoterapia EMDR e o seu modelo de processamento adaptativo de informação na resolução de vários casos com queixas nas crianças de fase pre‐verbal; situações de psicossomatização e também registos de desadaptação comportamental. Neste workshop o modelo psicoterapêutico do EMDR será implementado através do levantamento e identificação dos eventos traumáticos simples ou complexos, suas dessensibilização e reprocessamento nas diferentes etapas de desenvolvimento da criança.

In this workshop it is intended to transmit to participants the possibility of through the visualization of clinical videos and of the authors communications, as well as of the transmission of some techniques, to became familiarize themselves with the psychotherapy EMDR or to develop (in the case of Participants with training in EMDR) in EMDR and its model of adaptive and integrative information processing in the resolution of several cases with complaints in children of pre‐verbal phase; psychological converse reactions and also records of behavioral inadaptation. In this workshop the psychotherapeutic model of EMDR will be implemented by lifting and identifying the simple or complex traumatic events, desensitization and reprocessing in the different stages of child development.






Assunção Neto
Luís Gomes
João Veloso

Original Work Citation

Neto, A., Gomes, L., & Veloso, J. (2018, April). [Trauma and childhood - The use of EMDR psychotherapy in the resolution of psychopathological manifestions, body sensations and behavioral manifestations of children. The impact of personal, school and family experiences]. Presentation at the 9th International Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal



“Trauma e infância - A psicoterapia EMDR na resolução das manifestações psicopatológicas, corporais e comportamentais das crianças: impacto na vivência pessoalTrauma and childhood - The use of EMDR psychotherapy in the resolution of psychopathological manifestions, body sensations and behavioral manifestations of children.  The impact of personal, school and family experiences,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed September 17, 2024,

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