Children, adolescents and young adults facing the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic


In the UK, The Trauma Response Network has been providing free EMDR therapy to children and young people affected in one way or the other by Covid-19 and its consequences. In line with the national and international picture which showed that during lockdown mental health and well-being of children and young people on the whole actually increased, now that children are back at educational settings we have seen an increase in referrals. A key feature seems to be anxiety; this may relate to existing anxieties being exacerbated, or new anxieties, sometimes made worse by parental worries. This presentation will explore how EMDR can support children and young people, and will feature case studies across the ages.






Bianca Finger-Berry
Susan Darker-Smith

Original Work Citation

Finger-Berry, B., & Darker-Smith, S. (2021, June). Children, adolescents and young adults facing the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic. Invited symposium at the 20th EMDR Europe Association Conference, Virtual


“Children, adolescents and young adults facing the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 11, 2024,

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