Get this! Guide to virtual EMDR and self-help resourcing


COVID required providers to quickly adapt our EMDR protocols to a virtual platform. EMDR providers may use a guided virtual experience which includes the use of EDMR to treat and aid individuals who have been impacted by the isolation created through COVID precautions, experiences of violence and victimization, or other adversity ultimately impacting their psychosocial development and lifelong coping strategies. Got This! App was created to increase access to mental health resources to clinicians and clients both during sessions and independently between sessions. Learn the benefits of using Got This! App in your practice. This workshop will show how to use the Got This! App as an online platform for working through the 8 phases of EMDR with clients in real time. Practical examples will be used to guide a clinician through various targets, negative cognitions, body sensations, SUDS, and how to choose which positive cognitions to focus on as well as how to rank VOC for each. We will also share ways for clients to increase resources and maximize their success between sessions with guided exercises both for deeper work as well as to install more positive beliefs. Color therapy, Inner Little, I Declare, Relaxation Techniques, and other assets of the app will be modeled for individual and group applications. The session will identify ways to make EMDR more accessible: to people in rural areas, to those who speak different languages, to include images and music that are more representative of a diverse audience, and to increase diversity and inclusion to the EMDR field.






Rocio Hernandez
Linda Timme

Original Work Citation

Hernandez, R., & Timme, L. (2022). Get this! Guide to virtual EMDR and self-help resourcing. Presentation at the EMDR Canada Annual Conference, Virtual


“Get this! Guide to virtual EMDR and self-help resourcing,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 17, 2024,

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