Treating religious and spiritual trauma with EMDR


Religious and Spiritual Trauma is often an overlooked experience that has huge impacts on generations of Americans. As more and more humans decided to leave organized religions or are joining cults, we are understanding the impacts of those experiences as traumatic and adverse. This presentation will explore religious adverse experiences and discuss how they lead to foundational belief systems that present as complex trauma. Concepts of religious messaging, shame, enmeshment, attachment and adverse religious experiences will be explored. Case Examples where EMDR with religious and spiritual trauma will be presented where lives where drastically shifted in beliefs of safety, love, belonging and enoughness. Insight into understanding language and experiences will assist in history taking, preparation and processing. This allows for integration and healing towards healthy spirituality.






Cassidy DuHadway

Original Work Citation

DuHadway, D. (2023, August). Treating religious and spiritual trauma with EMDR. Presentation at the at the 28th EMDR International Association Conference, Arlington, VA


“Treating religious and spiritual trauma with EMDR,” Francine Shapiro Library, accessed May 16, 2024,

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